Event Organisers and Promoter Policy


By utilising our services, you are facilitated with an interactive platform where you can broadcast, publicise, and vend your event tickets, streamlining the ticket acquisition process for your audience. Accepting to host your event through our portal means agreeing to the terms and conditions delineated here.


RSVP Dubai: Refers to RSVP Middle East L.L.C and its affiliates located in Dubai, UAE.
: The entirety of the digital marketplace provided by RSVP Dubai is accessible via various devices, including, but not limited to, PCs, smartphones, and tablets.
Customer: An entity or person utilising the website for the intention of buying or aiming to buy goods and services, including tickets, passes, vouchers, and other comparable products.
Promoter: The individual or organisation, be it private or public, accountable for orchestrating, endorsing, and conducting an event showcased on the website.
Event: Any happening promoted through the website can span various categories including, but not limited to, recreational, educational, business-related, sports, or familial events.
Ticket: Represents a paid or complimentary pass in various physical or digital formats, granting permission to partake in a specific event.
Services: Encompasses all the functionalities offered by RSVP Dubai to promoters concerning the event, such as advertising, online ticket sales through the website, delivery of tickets, and collection of payment on behalf of the promoter, among others.


1.1 Overview and Applicability of TOSP

The subsequent TOSP dictate the use of services by you as a promoter through:

  (a) The RSVP Dubai website and its associated domains encompassing all integrated web pages, subdomains, and subparts.
  (b) Any services availed through the website or facilitated by RSVP Dubai for the event(s).
  (c) All software associated with RSVP Dubai, collectively regarded as “Services.”

RSVP Dubai operates and owns the services offered, and they are provided to you under the precondition of your unreserved acceptance of the terms and conditions stated herein, along with all the operative rules, policies, and protocols that may be intermittently instituted on the website by RSVP Dubai. 
Your use or access to any portion of the services implies your agreement to the terms and conditions and all other operating guidelines, policies, and procedures that might be occasionally established on the website by RSVP Dubai. If you disagree with any of the outlined terms, conditions, rules, policies, or procedures, you are obligated to stop using the services instantly.

Alterations to this TOSP can occur on a per-event basis through:
  (i) A documented Ticketing Services Agreement or an addendum to this TOSP endorsed by an authorised representative of the promoter and an authorised official of RSVP Dubai.
  (ii) By RSVP Dubai as stipulated in section 1.2 below (section 1.2 to be developed in accordance with company policy and specifics).

1.2 Amendment Rights

RSVP Dubai maintains the unreserved right to alter or substitute any term or condition in this TOSP whenever deemed necessary at its sole discretion. As a promoter, it is your obligation to review this TOSP routinely for any amendments. Your sustained utilisation of the services post the introduction of alterations to this TOSP demonstrates your acknowledgement and acceptance of those alterations. If you, the promoter, find any modifications to this TOSP unacceptable, your exclusive recourse is to halt the use of the services facilitated through the website.

1.3 Preferred Language

This TOSP, alongside the Privacy Policy, Information Usage Policy, and any other rules, policies, and procedures, are primarily drafted in British English. Although translations in other languages may be availed for user convenience, the English version prevails in regulating the service usage. In instances of discrepancies between translated and English versions, the latter shall dictate.

2.0 Service Accessibility

RSVP Dubai grants you, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable privilege to access and employ the services exclusively for generating an event page and for the promotion, administration, monitoring, and fee collection for tickets of an event that you have registered on the website. 
This grant is subjected to:
   (i) adherence to this TOSP
   (ii) compliance with all pertinent local and international laws and regulations regarding the event.

You are prohibited from and cannot authorise others to: 
   (i) alter, replicate, or create derivatives of any section of the services or content on the website; 
   (ii) reverse engineer or attempt to uncover the source code or structure of the services, barring restrictions prohibited by the prevailing local law;    
   (iii) rent, lease, resell, or utilise the services for commercial motives, except for the sanctioned commercial collection of ticket fees via the website in accordance with this TOSP;
   (iv) modify or remove any proprietary notices in the services or website content; 
   (v) partake in activities that hinder or disturb the services.


As a promoter seeking registration to utilise the services, you commit to:   
  (a) furnish precise, up-to-date, and complete details as instructed by the website’s registration form; 
   (b) continuously update your registration details to maintain its accuracy and completeness.

RSVP Dubai reserves the discretionary right to suspend or terminate your account(s) and decline your current or future service usage, fully or partially, if it suspects the provided details to be false, outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate.


During the registration on the website, you, as the promoter, will establish an account and password. You bear full responsibility for safeguarding the confidentiality of your account and password, including all activities undertaken through your account. You are required to: (a) promptly alert RSVP Dubai about any unauthorised usage of your account or any security breaches; (b) ensure to log out from your account at the end of every session.
RSVP Dubai is absolved from any losses or damages arising from your non-compliance with this section, including unauthorised account access or usage. Regarding account ownership disputes, RSVP Dubai is the sole adjudicator, with its decisions being conclusive and binding on all involved parties.


5.1 Website content

As a promoter, you acknowledge that all materials, including but not limited to data, designs, graphics, and other contents available through the services or presented by RSVP Dubai in association with the services (referred to collectively as “Website Content”) are safeguarded by copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights and laws. RSVP Dubai either owns this content or has obtained the right to use portions through agreements with third parties.
You are only allowed to utilise the Website Content for the intended functionalities of the services provided by RSVP Dubai, with explicit written permission from RSVP Dubai. This includes but is not limited to, the modification, distribution, reproduction, or public display of the Website Content for purposes not permitted by this TOSP or by the applicable domestic and international laws. All rights not expressly granted in this TOSP are reserved by RSVP Dubai.

5.2 Content from Promoters

RSVP Dubai primarily facilitates connections between companies, organisations (promoters), and customers, whether in a business-to-business or business-to-consumer context. Using this service, you permit RSVP Dubai to store any information you provide in RSVP Dubai’s database and publicly display specific details, including your picture, name, and position on the website. 
As the promoter, you are expected to ensure that any content you provide does not conflict with the rights of third parties and abides by all applicable laws. It is your responsibility to provide accurate and truthful event information. 
RSVP Dubai retains the right to remove any of your content from the website if it is believed, at RSVP Dubai’s sole discretion, to violate this TOSP. You assume complete liability for any repercussions resulting from inaccurate or misleading content presented on the website. 
Additionally, RSVP Dubai can use your name, company name, and logo to identify you as a current or former client both on the website and in promotional materials. In the event someone registers for or attends your events through RSVP Dubai, you grant RSVP Dubai unrestrained and perpetual rights to use that individual’s details, including but not limited to their first name, last name, company, job title, email, and phone number, along with any other information they provide during registration.


6.1 Content Regulations

As a user of the services provided by RSVP Dubai, it is your responsibility to adhere to the guidelines stipulated below regarding the content you share through our platform. We strictly prohibit the use of our services to:
Share any content that is illegal, threatening, harassing, defamatory, invasive of someone’s privacy, or discriminative on the grounds of race, ethnicity, or otherwise;
  –  Engage in actions that can potentially harm minors;
  –  Misrepresent your identity or your affiliation with any individual or organisation, including impersonating any RSVP Dubai representative;
  –  Manipulate identifiers to conceal the origin of any content transmitted via our services;
  –  Share content that breaches legal bounds or violates contractual or fiduciary duties;
  –  Infringe upon any third-party intellectual property or proprietary rights with the content you share;
  –  Promote goods and services unrelated to the events listed on our site or not partnered with said events;
  –  Disrupt our services or the networks connected to it or breach any policies of networks associated with our services;
  –  Engage in stalking or harassing any individual or organization.

6.2 Conflict Resolution Rights

RSVP Dubai reserves the right, but not the obligation, to oversee the content shared on its platform and take necessary measures, including altering, editing, removing content or terminating your access to the services. We may also preserve and disclose your content if necessitated by law or in good faith to adhere to legal processes, enforce the Terms of Service (TOS), address third-party rights infringements, or safeguard the rights, assets, and safety of RSVP Dubai, its users, and the public. You acknowledge that our service’s technical operations may involve transmission over diverse networks and adapt to technical demands.


RSVP Dubai might offer supplementary services beyond the site functionalities, including but not limited to marketing assistance, leasing equipment for ticket scanning, event-day aid, and dedicated account management, upon your request and contingent upon fees determined by RSVP Dubai. These services form a part of the services governed by this TOS and may necessitate additional agreements specifying the service fees and other pertinent details. You must engage in a separate leasing agreement for any equipment provision.


RSVP Dubai holds the undeniable right to alter, pause, or cease the services, either in part or full, temporarily or permanently, at any time without giving any explanation. While we aim to facilitate a smooth user experience, we are not obligated to refund any service fees except those related to customer refunds. You acknowledge that RSVP Dubai will not be accountable to you or any third party for any changes, suspensions, or cessation of the services.


At its discretion, RSVP Dubai may annul your access credentials, accounts, or your privilege to utilise the services, along with removing any content you have uploaded for any reason, which includes but is not limited to non-usage, delay in payment, or if your actions are found to be in discord with the principles outlined in this Terms of Service Policy (TOSP). This termination can happen without prior notification, and RSVP Dubai is not liable to you or any third entity for terminating access to the services. Specific clauses in this TOSP which are inherently meant to continue will persist post the termination of your service use rights, encompassing but not confined to all promoter liabilities towards RSVP Dubai, liability limitations, indemnities, warranty disclaimers, and intellectual property rights and licences.


10.1 Handling of Personal Data

Event organisers are obligated to handle any personal data obtained through RSVP Dubai and its services in a lawful and responsible manner.

10.2 Event Development and Publication

Event organisers bear full responsibility for the content and the successful execution of the events published on the RSVP Dubai website. RSVP Dubai absolves itself from any liability connected to the content showcased on the website or the delivery of the events. The platform serves as a medium for selling event tickets, placing the onus of event production, delivery, and associated costs solely on the organiser. Moreover, it is the organiser’s duty to settle any government-imposed fees or taxes arising from ticket sales for their events.

10.3 Event Restrictions

RSVP Dubai retains the authority to restrict an organiser’s access to the service, modify login details, or eliminate an organiser’s account or event without prior notification if an event or an organiser’s conduct falls into any of the categories listed below. RSVP Dubai is not responsible for any losses the organiser incurs due to such actions:

  –  Actions breaching the law or this agreement;    –  Misuse or unauthorised utilisation of the services;  
Events aimed at endorsing specific ideologies or religions;
  –  Events encouraging activities against public decency or engaging in immoral conduct;
  –  Any other scenarios RSVP Dubai deems unfit.

10.4 Event Supervision

RSVP Dubai may scrutinise all events crafted by organisers through the service per the guidelines stipulated in this agreement, reserving the right to remove any event that violates the agreement from the website.

10.5 Event Alteration, Cancellation, and Refund Policies

Notification of Changes

Promoters are required to notify RSVP Dubai immediately and no later than 24 hours after the decision to cancel or postpone an event organised by the promoter and publicised on the RSVP Dubai platform.

Reimbursements and Refund Processing

In event cancellation, postponement, or considerable modifications, RSVP Dubai retains the discretion to refund all customers. The promoter must refund any fees or advances received from RSVP Dubai within three days of notifying such changes. Additionally, the promoter agrees to cover a commission equivalent to the original sales agreement on all refunded tickets, inclusive of any pertinent bank or card processing fees.

Refund Scenarios

RSVP Dubai is committed to addressing customer grievances proactively to avoid unnecessary refunds. However, refunds are applicable in the following circumstances, with the promoter bearing the associated charges:
  –  Event cancellation for any reason
  –  Non-performance or inadequate performance by the artist(s)
  –  Misrepresentation or insufficient information provided by the promoter
  –  Changes in venue or significant alterations in the artist lineup
  –  Accessibility issues, including lack of disabled access or unsatisfactory seating arrangements
  –  Matters pertaining to comfort and safety, including inadequate climate control or security concerns
  –  Errors or inconsistencies in ticket details or event entry policies

In situations necessitating refunds where the promoter has already received the payment from RSVP Dubai, the promoter agrees to refund the full amount within three days of notification.


Despite event cancellation, promoters will be held accountable for the staff costs incurred by RSVP Dubai to ensure access control. Moreover, in disputed credit card charges resulting in reimbursement to the cardholder, the promoter agrees to refund RSVP Dubai within 30 days.

Fraudulent Transactions

RSVP Dubai reserves the right to unilaterally cancel transactions suspected of being fraudulent without notifying the promoter. In instances of unrecoverable losses due to fraud or payment issues, the promoter is obligated to settle the dues with RSVP Dubai within 30 days post the event.

Ticket Policy

Promoters must delineate the refund and entry policies for the event, to be annexed in the event contract appendix. In the absence of such policies from the promoter at the contract signing, RSVP Dubai’s standard policies will prevail. Customers must adhere to the age, dress code, and other entry regulations stipulated by the promoter or venue. RSVP Dubai is not accountable for personal property losses or injuries sustained during the event.

Resale and Transfer of Tickets

Ticket resale and unauthorised exchanges are prohibited. Customers found in possession of resold tickets will be denied entry. The promoter and venue hold the right to refuse entry without specifying reasons. RSVP Dubai is obliged to process refund requests submitted within 30 days of the event or its cancellation/postponement under limited conditions such as artist non-performance, significant change in venue, etc., subject to verification and supportive documentation.

10.6 Hiring of Equipment and Staff

Promoters have the option to use RSVP Dubai’s access control app for attendee check-in at the event venue. Upon request, RSVP Dubai can supply barcode scanning devices and support personnel based on a separate agreement established with the promoter.

10.7 Remuneration to Event Organisers

Once the event hosted through RSVP Dubai has successfully concluded, RSVP Dubai will initiate the payout process to the Event Organisers. The final payout amount will be the total earnings from ticket sales, less any agreed-upon service fees, governmental charges, and other specified costs such as equipment rentals, staff wages, and pre-agreed advanced payments. RSVP Dubai will proceed with the payment once all revenues are collected from every sales channel, including, but not limited to, third-party vendors and affiliate platforms. The payment procedure also requires confirmation and endorsement of sales data from relevant local government agencies, such as the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in Dubai.
Payment will be electronically transferred to a bank account nominated by the Event Organiser. All payment-related fees, including bank service charges and currency conversion fees, are to be borne by the Event Organiser. The payment schedule targets 5-7 working days post-event, adhering to the completion of all prerequisite validations and receipt of necessary payment details.


The RSVP Dubai platform may feature links to third-party websites or resources. RSVP Dubai exercises no control over these external sites and resources and bears no responsibility for their content, products, or services. Event Organisers acknowledge that RSVP Dubai cannot be held liable for any adverse experiences or losses incurred using or relying on these third-party offerings.


RSVP Dubai offers its services “as is” and “as available,” disclaiming all implicit or explicit warranties, including warranties of merchantability, title, non-violation, and suitability for a particular use. RSVP Dubai does not assure that:
i. The services will fulfil the expectations of the Event Organiser, the customer, or any third party. 
  –  ii. Service delivery will be seamless, timely, secure, or error-free. 
  –  iii. The outcomes derived from using the services will be accurate or trustworthy. 
  –  iv. Any deficiencies in the services will be rectified.

RSVP Dubai assumes no responsibility for any repercussions arising from the actions or inactions of any participant, user, or third-party service provider before, during, or after the event. Event Organisers understand that RSVP Dubai does not oversee the quality, safety, or legality of events advertised on the platform nor guarantees the veracity of any user content or the completion of any transaction facilitated through the website.


RSVP Dubai is not to be held accountable, under any legal theory or circumstances, for:  –  
i. Any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages. 
  –  ii. Expenses incurred for securing substitute services.
  –  iii. Claims exceeding US$100.00 from a single Event Organiser concerning the services. 
  –  iv. Issues beyond the reasonable control of RSVP Dubai.

RSVP Dubai also disclaims liability for the content provided by Event Organisers or any other service users. These limitations stand unless prohibited by applicable law.


All information shared with or gathered by RSVP Dubai in association with the services is regulated by RSVP Dubai’s Privacy and Data Usage Policy, which are encompassed within this agreement by reference. We strongly encourage promoters to review both policies thoroughly. Please note that RSVP Dubai reserves the right to utilise the received or collected information from customers as detailed in its privacy policy, potentially including promoting other events or services to customers. Moreover, data shared or provided by the promoters regarding the services might become publicly accessible. Promoters are urged to safeguard sensitive and personal information. RSVP Dubai is not obligated to secure such data and is not responsible for the safety of information shared through the Internet or other networks you may employ. Revealing personally identifiable data through the services could potentially become public, with RSVP Dubai not being accountable for actions by promoters or other service users.


RSVP Dubai’s trademarks, service marks, and logos (“RSVP Dubai Trademarks”) are legal assets of RSVP Middle East L.L.C and its affiliates located in Dubai, UAE and are employed in providing services. Third-party trademarks (“Third Party Trademarks”) together with RSVP Dubai Trademarks are collectively referred to as “Trademarks”. The services provision doesn’t grant users any license or right to utilise any Trademark without prior written consent from RSVP Dubai specific to each use. Misuse of the Trademarks is strictly prohibited. Trademarks must not be used in a manner detrimental to RSVP Dubai or third-party products, services, or goodwill. Establishing links to or from any site using the Trademarks necessitates written agreement from RSVP Dubai.


This agreement embodies the entire mutual understanding concerning its subject matter, superseding and cancelling all preceding agreements. Amendments to this agreement require a written form duly signed by both parties or their representatives. Disputes arising will be sought to be settled through negotiation initially. If unresolved within 21 days, arbitration according to the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”) rules will be sought. The laws of the United Arab Emirates and Dubai govern this agreement. In force majeure circumstances, RSVP Dubai shall not be held responsible for the inability to provide services or for any consequent losses or costs. RSVP Dubai is not liable for losses or claims from event attendees mentioned in this contract.

The “RSVP Dubai” name and logo are properties of refers to RSVP Middle East L.L.C and its affiliates located in Dubai, UAE., useable by the promoter exclusively with RSVP Dubai’s explicit written authorisation.


RSVP Dubai will be the exclusive owner of customer data obtained during ticket sales, using it in conformity with its privacy and data usage policies.


Within Dubai’s jurisdiction, promoters must secure and pay for necessary DTCM permissions and fees, enabling RSVP Dubai to vend tickets accompanied by pertinent DTCM barcodes legally.

DTCM Penalties: Promoters shall bear any fines imposed by DTCM in relation to event ticket sales, being deductible from promoter’s sales or reimbursable to RSVP Dubai within five working days from the fine payment.

Preprinted Ticket Requests: Promoters can request preprinted tickets, providing all relevant fees are covered in advance. Unused tickets must be returned within five days post-event for a refund on DTCM fees, adhering to the specific conditions outlined.


RSVP Dubai and the promoter mutually agree to maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive and proprietary information shared during the use of services, as detailed further in the agreement. This encompasses technical, business, and various other data stored on RSVP Dubai servers or with third-party providers. A strict adherence to the confidentiality agreement is required, with the agreement being governed by the laws of Dubai, UAE. The agreement spans a duration of ten years unless a different term is mutually agreed upon in writing.

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