General Questions

After your payment is confirmed, you’ll receive your tickets via email. Please ensure your email address is correctly entered at checkout.

If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder, If you still can’t find it, you can access your account to either resend it to yourself or download it to your device. If this still doesn’t work, please contact us at [email protected].

Yes, you can purchase tickets for others. Ensure you enter the correct details for each attendee during checkout.

If the event is cancelled or rescheduled, and the event organisers have not been in touch to communicate this, contact us at [email protected] as you may be eligible for a refund or ticket transfer to the new event date.

Unfortunately, tickets are non-refundable if you simply can not make the event. Please familiarise yourself with our refund policy for when a refund may be applicable.

It depends on the event organiser’s preference. Some events may accept digital tickets shown on your smartphone, while others may require a printed copy. Check the event details for specific instructions.

It depends on the event’s policy. Please contact the event organisers immediately if you need to change any details.

If you don’t see an answer to your question above, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

Manage Events

We have a million and one reasons, but we’ll keep it simple…
   – It’s free, so why not?
   – Reach a wider audience.
   – User-friendly sales and reporting interface.
   – Effortlessly manage ticket sales and check in your customers at the door.
   – Effortlessly create an event with gallery features, repeat events and a calendar view.

You will need to create an account, fill out the event submission form and provide all necessary details. Our team will review your submission and if approved, your event will be listed.

We accept a variety of events, including but not limited to brunches, nightclub events, ladies’ nights, and pool parties. If you’re unsure if your event qualifies, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Although you can request a withdrawal at any time, payments will not be issued until 24-48 hours after the event. However, if you are a frequent user of our platform, we may on special occasions release the funds before the event has taken place. For more details, please refer to our Payment Policy.

Yes, you can edit your event details through your account dashboard.

Yes and all for free with no limitation.

If you don’t see an answer to your question above, please get in touch with us at [email protected].


© 2023 R.S.V.P Dubai. All Rights Reserved.


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